A Gateway to

Collaboration Between

Australia and Europe







About Us

Australian Business in Europe (ABIE) is a dynamic network that serves as a nexus for various organizations representing Australian and Australia-interested entities throughout Europe. Our primary mission is to foster and enhance trade, investment, business, and diplomatic relations between Australia and Europe.


At ABIE, we recognize the immense potential for collaboration and mutual benefit between these two regions. Through strategic partnerships and collaborative efforts, we aim to facilitate economic growth, promote innovation, and create opportunities for businesses and individuals alike.


Our network comprises a diverse range of organizations, including industry associations, chambers of commerce, business councils, and professional networks. By uniting these entities under a common umbrella, ABIE provides a platform for sharing knowledge, expertise, and resources to support the success of Australian businesses in Europe and vice versa.


We are committed to promoting dialogue, facilitating connections, and advocating for policies that promote bilateral trade and investment. Through our events, forums, and initiatives, we seek to create a vibrant ecosystem where ideas can flourish, partnerships can thrive, and opportunities can be realized.

Core Goals

  • Facilitate trade and investment between Australia and Europe
  • Foster collaboration and networking among Australian and European businesses
  • Advocate for policies that support bilateral economic relations  
  • Provide resources and support for businesses seeking to expand into new markets
  • Promote Australia as a destination for European investment and vice versa.

The Australian Business in Europe (ABIE) network is a collaboration of diverse organizations across Europe and Australia, all working together to foster stronger ties between the two regions.


By joining one or more of our member organizations, you gain access to the collective benefits of the ABIE network. This includes opportunities to connect, collaborate, and grow through exclusive events, shared resources, and a supportive community of like-minded professionals.


Join our vibrant community—explore our events, connect with fellow members, and discover the opportunities that await within the Australian Business in Europe network. Together, we can shape the future of transcontinental business relations and drive mutual prosperity for years to come.

News and Events

Discover the latest highlights from the ABIE network! From dynamic business forums to engaging networking opportunities, our events bring Australian and European organizations closer together, fostering collaboration and growth.

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Have questions or wish to connect with the Australian Business in Europe network? We're here to help!

Please complete the form below, and a member of our team will get in touch with you shortly.

ABIE Locations

ABIE Interactive Map

Join our community and shape the future of transcontinental business relations!

ABIE Network Members

Join an Organization

Join an Organization Near You

Explore our network and connect with a local organization:

ABIE Netherlands Join ABIE Netherlands
Australia Spain Business Association (Barcelona) Join ASBA Barcelona
Australia Spain Business Association (Madrid) Join ASBA Madrid
Australia Spain Business Association (Santiago de Compostela) Join ASBA Santiago de Compostela
Australian Serbian Commerce Chamber Join Australian Serbian Chamber
German Australian Business Council (Munich) Join GABC Munich
German Australian Business Council (Berlin) Join GABC Berlin
German Australian Business Council (Frankfurt am Main) Join GABC Frankfurt
Australian Network Belgium Join Australian Network Belgium
European Australian Business Council Join EABC
Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce Join Irish Australian Chamber
Australia-United Kingdom Chamber of Commerce Join Aus-UK Chamber
Australia France Business Association (AFBA) Join AFBA
Australasian Business in Europe Czech Republic Join ABiE CZ
Australian Business Council of Sweden Join ABCS
Business Council for Economic Cooperation with Australia Join Croatia Business Council
Bulgarian Australian Business Council (BABC) Join BABC
Australian Swiss Chamber of Commerce (AusCham) Join AusCham
Austrian Australian Business Council (AABC) Join AABC

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